Demon Dragon Serpent
Hideously deformed man

War Golem

Arigos the Archimage, a 7,000 year old sorcerer

Amitar Fortress. An ancient fortress perched on an island in the middle of very large waterfalls fed by a glacial lake. Kind of like Niagara Falls, but with higher falls and more water.

The Hideously Deformed Man revealed. He is willingly possessed by scores of demons. He is evil incarnate.

Zaranos - A Demon Lord who has been planning the take over of Cheos for thousands of years. He is supremely powerful in dark magics but is almost helpless physically.

Malacos- Evil sorcerer. He summoned Zaranos but was instead possessed and subborned by the evil Demon Lord. Zaranos now exists as a soul stealing Vampyir.

Abboleth - Demon Hands. Severed hands that are now the home of minor demons. The hands are in various states of decomposition. The hands move super fast and when attacking attach the feeder tentacles into their victims. Removing the demons cause severe damage.

Brandis the Brownie. Though only a foot tall Brownie warrior, Brandis is still a lethal fighter

Moliketh - Demon Lord. Lord of the Shadows, Master of Fear and Bringer of Nightmares. Moliketh is a shadow given form and is virtually untouchable.

River Nymph
Blade Beast - Mutated monster with razor sharp scales and spines. The spines on its arms are projectile weapons.
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