Trolls are my favorite. They are huge, up to eight feet tall and weighing 350-400 lbs!! That’s a big old beastie!!!
They are part human, part rhinoceros. They have thick plates of armor and are the terror of the battlefield. They get a +1 to constitution and a +2 to strength.
Unfortunately they are slow and a little less intelligent. They get a -2 dexterity and -1 intelligence. They have a natural armor class of 7.
Here are a few facts about Trolls
· Trolls are the gentlest of the races of man.
· They are all very aware of their size and strength and go out of their way to be gentle.
· It is impossible to goad a troll to anger.
· They are the natural mediators in an altercation.
· They are frequently hired by towns and cities as guards and lawmen.
· Trolls are very meticulous about enforcing the law as it is written.
· There is no grey area with them.
· Trolls are consummate planners.
· They do not improvise, when they make a plan they stick to it.
· Trolls are commonly thought to be dour, humorless individuals, but that is far from the truth.
· Trolls are kind and thoughtful.
· They have a very close knit society, with large families.
· Trolls are very honorable and steadfast.
· No friend is a closer, more reliable friend than a troll. Unless you betray them, then they will hunt you down and destroy you.