Kobolds are often sought out as advisors to royalty. Kobold universities are the best in the lands. Kobolds are often teachers and mentors. They are well paid for their expertise. Kobold engineers are the best. Kobolds were the first race (including humans) to rediscover math. Kobolds have a keen interest in archeology and relics, they often fund adventurers to find and retrieve such items.
Kobolds tend to be magic users or clerics. NPC Kobolds are often administrators, advisors, teachers, lawyers or any other university trained profession.
Kobolds have the most complex system of laws and customs.
A few facts about Kobolds
- Kobolds are unfailingly polite-to your face.
- Kobold politics are non-violent, but intense and competitive.
- They are intelligent and wise They are excellent in math and science
They are astrologers. - If they insult you they are polite about it.
- Kobolds have common script used by everyone and a scholar’s script only known to trained Kobolds. Foreigners are not allowed to read this script.
- Kobolds are canny fighters and use deception in combat.
- They have prickly senses of honor.
- Kobolds hate Orcs.
- Kobolds are violently opposed to slavery.
- Kobolds mate for life and will not remarry after a mate's death.
- Kobolfd society is very open and democratic
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