The Goblins of Cheos are the lowest of the races of man. They are part man, part rat. This does not mean that they are dirty or filth ridden. They are the poorest of the races and have little skills. They are very like barbarians in other D&D worlds. The worship totems and are usually uneducated. They have a tendency toward rogue or ranger type characters. They are comfortable in cities or the wild. Several goblin cities are in swamps. Goblins get a +2 bonus to dexterity and a -1 to strength and intelligence.
Goblins are not so much evil as pathetic. They are stupid, superstitious and barbaric. Other than that they are OK. They are not evil or cruel by nature but will do evil or cruel deeds if ordered. And they have to be given very simple, explicit instructions. They are not capable of much complicated, original thought. They are about five feet tall and have a wiry musculature. They dress in badly cured leather skins and cast off armor. They do not have much of a society and must steal or find whatever worked metals they own. Having a steel weapon is a sign of great wealth and power to a goblin.
Here are a few quick facts about Goblins
- They worship idols and the fierce aspects of nature.
- They are small and wily fighters
- They get a 10% bonus to move silently and hide in shadows.
- They are not too worried about hygiene.
- Goblins are superstitious.
- Some goblins are wanderers like gypsies and are not trusted.
- Goblins are sneaky, devious and underhanded.
- Goblins are despised by trolls.
- Goblins have quirky senses of humor.
- Goblins are not skilled artistically.
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