Ogres are part human and part bighorn mountain sheep.
I decided this because I wanted Ogres to have big curling horns and, well, these sheep have them. Males have tremendous horns and they are a source of tremendous pride and prestige. Female Ogres do not have horns.
Ogres are about 7 1/2 feet tall and are extremely muscular. Ogres get a +1 to strength and +1 to stamina but suffer -1 to dexterity and -1 to charisma. Ogres are unfriendly to outsiders and tend to keep to themselves

Their main weapon is the Ogre Long Sword. The blade is 6 feet long and the handle is 5 feet long. They are very deadly with it. All Ogres get a free proficiency slot for this sword and cannot specialize in any other sword.
Ogre society is not very structured. Ogre clan lords are male warriors, but town and city governments vary from area to area.
Ogre clerics are all female. All other classes can be male or female. Ogre wizards are not trusted in their society, so mages suffer a -1 penalty to charisma but gain a +1 to intelligence.
A few quick facts about Ogres.
- Ogre families are similar to Scottish clans.
- Ogres live in mountainous regions and hate to move across water in boats and rarely swim.
- Ogres are omnivores.
- Ogres have little skill in as blacksmiths and as such are allied closely with dwarves.
- Ogres generally dislike and distrust Elves.
- Ogres are not given to deep thought and introspection.
- Ogres value strength over all other aspects.
- Ogres took the longest of all the blended races to regain sentience and form a society.
- Ogres have a complex system of honor.
- Ogres never, ever lie.
- Although Ogres are fearsome fighters, they are slow to anger.
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