The World of Cheos

Long ago I created Cheos, a world for a Dungeons and Dragons game. It's a different take on the typical fantasy world. The mythical cratures are all half animal, half human. The monsters are all genetic nightmares. There is magic and science in this world. I decided to put it online here for help building it into a real, breathing, dynamic world. I got the idea from the World of Korio blog for my teacher's anthology class. Here's the deal. It is a shared world. Anybody can create within the guidelines I will post there. But I am the final arbiter of what is "real" on Cheos. Anybody can use the stuff from the world for thier games. I intend to write stories based on Cheos. If you post an idea on the blog, then you are accepting that it is OK for me to use it in a book. So if you are willing to help, let's create a world.

Here is the concept of the World of Cheos.

Millinea ago, there was a great war between wizard kings that destroyed the world. These wizards and thier minions created warriors by blending humans with animals. There were thousands of types of of these "blendings" but only a few have survived. The war devestated humanity, barely 20,000 true humans were left. Some of the blended races survived and eventually thrived. The rest could not sustain thier populations and died off. Thousands of years passed before the world healed itself from the destruction of the war. Now there are new civilizations and new wonders. All D&D realms have humans. In other D&D worlds humans are the most prolific of the races. That is not the case here. Since all the races are descended from humans they breed and die at the same rate (unless war, disease and famine take thier toll). The other races are all specific human-animal hybrids. There are Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds, Gnomes, Merfolk and Pixies. I am open to other races, but these are what I started with.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Dwarves of Cheos

The Dwarves of Cheos are the only race that was not changed by magic. They were genetically modified through science as a direct weapon against magic users. They are magical nulls in nature. As such, Dwarves cannot be mages, but they can be clerics. God granted magic is different from worldly magic. They are immune to direct effect magics like charms. Indirect affect magics or projectile magics still can affect them.

They are not blends of human and one animal, but have traits of many animals. The genetic bonding process and natural evolution have led to their small, densely muscled stature. They have muscles that are twice as dense as a normal human. They have a thick coating of very course hair. They have pronounced facial hair with several long whiskers like cats. They have incredible eyesight. They can see very far away with absolute clarity like a bird of prey and they can see in the darkest of night. It takes very little light for them to see, but there must be some light. They have keen senses of smell and can track like a dog.

PC Dwarves get a +1 to strength and constitution. They take a -1 to dexterity and charisma. They get a bonus +2 bonus on all save throws against indirect magic. Even if they do not save, they get a 30% damage reduction.

Dwarves are scientists. They are dedicated to learning chemistry, metallurgy, mechanics, engineering and physics, but not so much about the natural sciences like biology and botany.

Dwarves are keen builders. They have intimate knowledge of structural engineering and metallurgy. Their stonework is beyond compare. They are often hired as designers and workers on other races structures.

Dwarven arms and armor fetch a high price. Dwarven blacksmiths are the best in the world. Dwarven armor is treated in the game like magical armor. Dwarven made weapons are not magical, but can have bonuses to hit and damage as if they were.

A few quick notes about Dwarves:

  • Dwarves get a -10% penalty on move silently.
  • Dwarves consider magic an anathema.
  • Dwarves are patriarchal and have kings.
  • Dwarves are boisterous among themselves and good friends, but
    dour among others.

  • Dwarven brews are potent and valuable.
  • Dwarven gold and silversmiths are treated like royalty.
  • Dwarves get a +3 save vs poison.
  • Dwarves are intellectuals.
  • Dwarves love to eat and are excellent cooks. Many kings have
    Dwarven chefs.

  • Wrestling, axe throwing and the hammer toss are the Dwarven

  • Dwarves love games of strategy like chess.
  • Dwarves do not give their trust easily, but are the most
    steadfast of allies.

  • Dwarves are allied with Ogres.

This is the dwarven long axe, the preferred weapon of the Dwarven Hunter

There is a class of fighter called a Dwarven Hunter. The Dwarven Hunters are trained to hunt down and kill magic users. They are used to control rogue mages that are threatening the realms. They get +1 to hit with melee weapons and +2 to hit with ranged weapons against mages. Dwarven Hunters hunt in packs of six or more.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Kobolds of Cheos

The Kobolds of Cheos are part man, part wolf. They are the first race of blended men to achieve full sentience and form a society. They are wise and intelligent. They get a +2 to intelligence and +1 to wisdom. They do not get any negatives to other statistics, but they get a -20% to EXP. They value learning and wisdom over military prowess. Their mages are the most powerful in the lands.

Kobolds are often sought out as advisors to royalty. Kobold universities are the best in the lands. Kobolds are often teachers and mentors. They are well paid for their expertise. Kobold engineers are the best. Kobolds were the first race (including humans) to rediscover math. Kobolds have a keen interest in archeology and relics, they often fund adventurers to find and retrieve such items.
Kobolds tend to be magic users or clerics. NPC Kobolds are often administrators, advisors, teachers, lawyers or any other university trained profession.
Kobolds have the most complex system of laws and customs.

A few facts about Kobolds
  • Kobolds are unfailingly polite-to your face.
  • Kobold politics are non-violent, but intense and competitive.
  • They are intelligent and wise They are excellent in math and science
    They are astrologers.
  • If they insult you they are polite about it.
  • Kobolds have common script used by everyone and a scholar’s script only known to trained Kobolds. Foreigners are not allowed to read this script.
  • Kobolds are canny fighters and use deception in combat.
  • They have prickly senses of honor.
  • Kobolds hate Orcs.
  • Kobolds are violently opposed to slavery.
  • Kobolds mate for life and will not remarry after a mate's death.
  • Kobolfd society is very open and democratic

The Orcs of Cheos

  • The Orcs of Cheos are part man, part razorback hog. Males have huge tusks and females have little ones. Orcs vicious natured people and will kill at the slightest provocation. Orcs are the thugs of Cheos. They have little morality and very little regard for law. Their society is like the Mongol hordes that sacked Rome.
    Orcs get a -2 to intelligence and a -1 to wisdom and charisma. They get a bonus +2 to strength and +2 to constitution.
A few facts about Orcs.
  • Male Orcs are arrogant.
  • Orcs think of themselves as better than any other race.
  • Orcs are thugs and thieves by nature.
  • Orcs cannot be Rangers or Paladins.
  • Orcs are not that smart, they think they are, but they aren’t.
  • Orcs are greedy
  • Orcs love a fight, especially a one sided fight.
  • Orcs cannot do more than simple arithmetic.
  • Orcs eat their food raw.
  • Orcs hate Kobolds with a raw unaldurated passion!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Goblins of Cheos

The Goblins of Cheos are the lowest of the races of man. They are part man, part rat. This does not mean that they are dirty or filth ridden. They are the poorest of the races and have little skills. They are very like barbarians in other D&D worlds. The worship totems and are usually uneducated. They have a tendency toward rogue or ranger type characters. They are comfortable in cities or the wild. Several goblin cities are in swamps. Goblins get a +2 bonus to dexterity and a -1 to strength and intelligence.

Goblins are not so much evil as pathetic. They are stupid, superstitious and barbaric. Other than that they are OK. They are not evil or cruel by nature but will do evil or cruel deeds if ordered. And they have to be given very simple, explicit instructions. They are not capable of much complicated, original thought. They are about five feet tall and have a wiry musculature. They dress in badly cured leather skins and cast off armor. They do not have much of a society and must steal or find whatever worked metals they own. Having a steel weapon is a sign of great wealth and power to a goblin.

Here are a few quick facts about Goblins

  • They worship idols and the fierce aspects of nature.
  • They are small and wily fighters
  • They get a 10% bonus to move silently and hide in shadows.
  • They are not too worried about hygiene.
  • Goblins are superstitious.
  • Some goblins are wanderers like gypsies and are not trusted.
  • Goblins are sneaky, devious and underhanded.
  • Goblins are despised by trolls.
  • Goblins have quirky senses of humor.
  • Goblins are not skilled artistically.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Trolls of Cheos

Trolls are my favorite. They are huge, up to eight feet tall and weighing 350-400 lbs!! That’s a big old beastie!!!
They are part human, part rhinoceros. They have thick plates of armor and are the terror of the battlefield. They get a +1 to constitution and a +2 to strength.
Unfortunately they are slow and a little less intelligent. They get a -2 dexterity and -1 intelligence. They have a natural armor class of 7.

Here are a few facts about Trolls

· Trolls are the gentlest of the races of man.
· They are all very aware of their size and strength and go out of their way to be gentle.
· It is impossible to goad a troll to anger.
· They are the natural mediators in an altercation.
· They are frequently hired by towns and cities as guards and lawmen.
· Trolls are very meticulous about enforcing the law as it is written.
· There is no grey area with them.
· Trolls are consummate planners.
· They do not improvise, when they make a plan they stick to it.
· Trolls are commonly thought to be dour, humorless individuals, but that is far from the truth.
· Trolls are kind and thoughtful.
· They have a very close knit society, with large families.
· Trolls are very honorable and steadfast.
· No friend is a closer, more reliable friend than a troll. Unless you betray them, then they will hunt you down and destroy you.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ogres of Cheos

Ogres are part human and part bighorn mountain sheep.

I decided this because I wanted Ogres to have big curling horns and, well, these sheep have them. Males have tremendous horns and they are a source of tremendous pride and prestige. Female Ogres do not have horns.
Ogres are about 7 1/2 feet tall and are extremely muscular. Ogres get a +1 to strength and +1 to stamina but suffer -1 to dexterity and -1 to charisma. Ogres are unfriendly to outsiders and tend to keep to themselves
Their main weapon is the Ogre Long Sword. The blade is 6 feet long and the handle is 5 feet long. They are very deadly with it. All Ogres get a free proficiency slot for this sword and cannot specialize in any other sword.
Ogre society is not very structured. Ogre clan lords are male warriors, but town and city governments vary from area to area.
Ogre clerics are all female. All other classes can be male or female. Ogre wizards are not trusted in their society, so mages suffer a -1 penalty to charisma but gain a +1 to intelligence.

A few quick facts about Ogres.

  • Ogre families are similar to Scottish clans.
  • Ogres live in mountainous regions and hate to move across water in boats and rarely swim.
  • Ogres are omnivores.
  • Ogres have little skill in as blacksmiths and as such are allied closely with dwarves.
  • Ogres generally dislike and distrust Elves.
  • Ogres are not given to deep thought and introspection.
  • Ogres value strength over all other aspects.
  • Ogres took the longest of all the blended races to regain sentience and form a society.
  • Ogres have a complex system of honor.
  • Ogres never, ever lie.
  • Although Ogres are fearsome fighters, they are slow to anger.

The Elves of Cheos

Elves are blends of humans and large cats. Tiger, Lions, Cheetah, Puma, Lynx, etc.
They are not long lived like in other worlds. They age just like men. They are more dexterous and get a +1 bonus to DEX. But they have less stamina so the get a -1. They are covered with a very fine fur, but the hair on their heads grows long like a human. Their coloration is similar to the cats of they were blended.

Here are a few general guidelines for Elves.
They live in matriarchal societies.

  • They are hunters and value hunting skills above all.
  • They have claws on their hands and feet.
  • Elves tend to live in wooded or jungle areas.
  • Elves are excellent warriors, but not particularly warlike.
  • Elves value the concept of law highly and have developed very complex systems of laws and customs.
  • Elves are clannish.
  • Elves have powerful wizards but few clerics.Elven rogues are rare.
  • Elves are arrogant.
  • Elves are political intriguers.
  • Elves are highly skilled artisans