The Dwarves of Cheos are the only race that was not changed by magic. They were genetically modified through science as a direct weapon against magic users. They are magical nulls in nature. As such, Dwarves cannot be mages, but they can be clerics. God granted magic is different from worldly magic. They are immune to direct effect magics like charms. Indirect affect magics or projectile magics still can affect them.
They are not blends of human and one animal, but have traits of many animals. The genetic bonding process and natural evolution have led to their small, densely muscled stature. They have muscles that are twice as dense as a normal human. They have a thick coating of very course hair. They have pronounced facial hair with several long whiskers like cats. They have incredible eyesight. They can see very far away with absolute clarity like a bird of prey and they can see in the darkest of night. It takes very little light for them to see, but there must be some light. They have keen senses of smell and can track like a dog.
PC Dwarves get a +1 to strength and constitution. They take a -1 to dexterity and charisma. They get a bonus +2 bonus on all save throws against indirect magic. Even if they do not save, they get a 30% damage reduction.
Dwarves are scientists. They are dedicated to learning chemistry, metallurgy, mechanics, engineering and physics, but not so much about the natural sciences like biology and botany.
Dwarves are keen builders. They have intimate knowledge of structural engineering and metallurgy. Their stonework is beyond compare. They are often hired as designers and workers on other races structures.
Dwarven arms and armor fetch a high price. Dwarven blacksmiths are the best in the world. Dwarven armor is treated in the game like magical armor. Dwarven made weapons are not magical, but can have bonuses to hit and damage as if they were.
A few quick notes about Dwarves:
dour among others.
Dwarven chefs.
steadfast of allies.

This is the dwarven long axe, the preferred weapon of the Dwarven Hunter
There is a class of fighter called a Dwarven Hunter. The Dwarven Hunters are trained to hunt down and kill magic users. They are used to control rogue mages that are threatening the realms. They get +1 to hit with melee weapons and +2 to hit with ranged weapons against mages. Dwarven Hunters hunt in packs of six or more.
1 comment:
Yo my friend.
You've got some great ideas and methods here. Keep up the work and document everything. Don't want someone coming in and using your ideas in a new product.
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